Sunday, January 10, 2010

I liked a guy once.

A little man in big man's shoes.

The date was great. Movie, dinner, debate and some confessions. We crashed, sweetly, and fully-clothed on the couch watching Cat Stories on Animal Planet. I hugged him goodbye and the top of his head reached just to the curve in my underwire. I don't judge. He was cute... very cute, and the ultimate gentleman. I liked that guy a lot, but not. He was only the second guy (that I know of) who used the pickup lines that I used on him... on other women. He said it was because I was witty.

A couple decades ago, he was a sweet, timid and quiet guy. Self confidence was mediocre at best, or so I've heard. With a sincere but serious Wanda-from-in-living-color-face I thought... I'd Rock His World... if it was still 1994.

He once bragged that he'd brought a guy within minutes of committing suicide with his 'wondrous debating skills'. No, that is not something brag-worthy. In my eyes, that's just rude. Treat people how you'd like to be treated. But even that was overlooked.

Fast forward, present day. He said he'd put on this tall and ugly facade to disguise his past, short but beautiful  and totally acceptable insecurities and imperfections. Admitting to it makes it alright... right? He then took a liking to an old friend of mine, I think. Some things you just don't wanna know. It wouldn't be the first time a friend of mine made friends with my friends. I reckon I have awesome taste in buddies... a curse disguised as a gift. Can you believe the balls on that guy though? The teensy lil balls (...perhaps. I don't know... never looked... liked him on a much different level). He probably believes he's too good for me. I probably believe something else.

Beware of anyone who claims to have ever been excessively shy and insecure. Only the pompous ones are secure enough to admit to that. Even years beyond those years... of insecurity.

By the end of this blog,
I'm over it/that/all that time-and-effort consuming isht.
I'm sure of it.

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