Friday, January 8, 2010

Knuckleheads UNITE!

Yesterday on facebook, the women secretly 'gathered' and synced their status message to 'their bra colors' in support of Breast Cancer Awareness. Needless to say, the men's minds began to stir with curiosity... and a little bit of envy from feeling  'left out'. So today, a memo went around to men only, and their status messages read: "Annie Mae/Lake Michigan" and "Susie/The Atlantic Ocean". So obviously, I assumed the code was "The girl you lost your virginity to" and "A random body of water". (Heaven forbid it's their mother's names... in which case, eww at  ME!)

No men confirmed my guesses. They all replied with a unanimous "What are you TALKING about?!?!"

I don't think I'm too far off. But the whole  effort of figuring out ANY man is entirely too much for even me. I must admit though... the guys are playing this one very well. And so far, I'M the only one even trying to figure it out... out loud. I know the other ladies are wondering. And just as I'm sure someone leaked the GirlCode to the men yesterday, there will be one weakling who reveals their code before the day is gone.

If I were any good, I could do it myself. But alas! Seems I've lost my touch! But in time... I'm gonna get you suckaz!

Yes... definitely gonna get you!

*clicking any 'Ads by Google' on this blog may help a big chick buy pants that actually fit* =)

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