Friday, January 15, 2010

The Anti-Resolution

New Year's Resolutions are so pre-2010, so my goal is to write out a 'To Do' list of twelve personal goals and aspirations... one for every month of the year. Hopefully, the 30-ish days will give me more than enough time to complete the task, and surely the success rate will be greater than that of the typical resolution (which I usually forget about by mid-January). And obviously 30 days is a more reasonable goal than 365.

People change throughout the year. What's important in January, might not be as important in July. So I'll leave open the option to be flexible, and change my T'Dooz as I go along (I just made that up... "T'Dooz"). For instance: Naturally, if all my hair falls out, I'm gonna dedicate a month to growing that isht back.

If I'm lucky, maybe a single month-at-a-time of a healthy lifestyle change will be just enough to help me change my bad habits altogether... for good.

I'm already two weeks behind for January. I reckon I'd better get on it.

Outta here.

*clicking on any Ads by Google on this page will afford a post-it note for next month's T'Doo task*


dori* said...

So where is the list? I was hoping for some inspiration. I don't know if I can think of 12 (realistic) goals...

HoneyB said...

I figured making the T'Dooz in advance would guarantee failure. My needs change each month, so I'll make the plans each month. For instance, for January, I plan to do my 3-Day High Metabolism Diet a few times a month. I'll post the details next! =)