Hold hands standing face-to-face with a friend.
Kick one leg forward. Then open them. Then kick left, then right. Thus the:
"Kick. Open. Side-to-Side".
Unfortunately, that means the partner has to:
"Open. Kick. Side-to-Side" or someone's getting a swift shoe to the shinbone.
So guess who was always the one who compromised???
Pat-a-Cake vs. Cake-a-Pat:
Four friends in a circle. Partners facing each other.
Pat up, pat down, pat left, pat right.
It's all simple until the question arises about which pair has to:
Pat down, pat up, pat left, pat right.
Who wants to pat DOWN first? Geez!
So guess who was always the one who compromised???
Guess who was left convincing her aggressive buddy-partner to do the same?
Sidewalk Chicken:
You're walking down the sidewalk and someone, sometimes a couple, sometimes a pair of friends... are coming towards you in the opposite direction.
So guess who always ends up in the f*&#!*g GRASS!
I usually bow my head and avoid direct eye-contact, making sure I keep my focus on the narrow sidewalk and hoping the oncoming chowderheads would be so kind as to notice it too. Never fails though. TWO people walking down a narrow sidewalk, always outpower one person coming from the other way. Can't you two line up? Single file? Make an effort? SO inconsiderate.
So today while walking, a middle school kid with some Bryan Adams sunglasses is coming towards me, so I test my cold-hard-stare. He jumped into the grass and I think I heard his heart beating fast when he passed me. I felt bad. No more of that. I'd rather walk in the grass and mumble the obscenities under my breath, wondering who failed so miserably at raising the rude brat. Or... better yet, write a worthless blog about it.
Me: A lifetime of compromises... until further notice.