Monday, September 20, 2010

The "Getting it Right, Probably Maybe" Blog

I am cursed!

Or maybe blessed. All depends on how you look at it.

I should have this relationship-thing figured out by now. Yet, I haven't even figured mySELF out enough to know how to properly engage in, and most importantly, maintain one.

If a guy is a total knucklehead, trust that he will find me! Love me, even.
If a guy is a decent man who takes a liking to me, it is a scientifically proven fact that I, singlehandedly, will drive the poor man to the very brink of insanity (or murder, or even worse -  windshield bashery, or a verbal string of pre-existing and self-invented cusswords).

And yet, as I have followed my female friends' relationships through their frequent facebook status updates (say that five times fast), I realize I am not alone. Not by a longshot! I'm beginning to worry that the stock of good men is dwindling, and fast! And yet, the thought of sharing this plight with a bounty of other ladies... doesn't make me feel any better.

Relationships are stewpit.

And I think I have Adult A.D.D.

Ooh, look! A marble!


dori* said...

Yes, You're about the age where you figure out things about yourself, and how you don't know anything about relationships and how to have one, and then you get my age and enter the acceptance phase.
Well, for me it's a combo of acceptance and don't give a shit half the time. Men are stewpit and I'm sick of taking care of them.
Except my beloved golden child son, of course.

I'm getting myself together, and feel better than ever about it, and I don't need anyone draggin' me down, see?

HoneyB said...

I am SO upset that the only way I know someone commented on a blog... is if I come back and check it :|

Yes, I have TOTALLY arrived, departed and re-arrived at the 'DontGiveaShitHalfTheTime' stage, lol. Getting ourselves together FOR ourselves is far more rewarding because we only answer to us! I have learned to enjoy my own company (and you should hear the conversations that go on there). I don't mind it a bit!

BUT... something changed. I'll blog about it later! =)