It's not at all fair, really. A thousand kind gentlemen within reach, and one single knucklehead spoils the show for the rest of you.
At what point in time... in what country... did it become okay to approach women with overtly sexual introductions? How and when is that okay? It seems like common sense that if you are in fact interested in a woman, to bring your A-Game. Not your X-Game. Maybe some girls love that kind of attention. Some women certainly do not.
As if the message wasn't clear enough (I think he had his weewee in his other hand... which is why he couldn't ever finish a thought):
I'm sorry, sir. I'm not clear on your intentions. Please specify what you really want?
Ohhhh, okay. I understand now. Pleased to make your acquaintance?
Then, when the girl doesn't reply to your disturbing and obnoxious advances, and all else fails... go HERE:
Yeeeeah, THAT oughtta win my heart. Minutes ago you wanted to "F" my fake sweet "P", lol.
Ya damned looney.